


Q Okay, Mr. President, thank you. It seems the relationship between Japan and China is currently at an all-time low. We have heard criticism, concern voiced by China about Prime Minister Koizumi's recent visit to Yasukuni Shrine. This is, Mr. President, historically, a sensitive issue between the two countries. As poor relations between Japan and China have a significant impact on U.S. national interests in Asia, I suppose, what can the United States do to address the worsening relationship between the two countries -- I mean, Japan and China -- and how would you like to rebuild U.S., Japan and China relations as a part of your comprehensive diplomacy towards Asia?

THE PRESIDENT: What I can do is to urge the leaders of not only China and Japan to dialogue, and to try to get the past behind them as we move forward, but also to do the same with the South Korean leader. I think the issue that you described goes beyond just Japanese-Chinese relationships, it's probably Japanese-South Korean relationships, as well. And my point to not only the Prime Minister of Japan but to the respective Presidents is that, look, I understand that there is great tension as a result of some events that took place in the past. But the United States and China -- I mean, the United States and Japan at one time were sworn enemies. And now here we are sitting down as friends. In other words, it's possible to forget the past -- it's difficult, but it is possible.

So I think a useful role for me will be to paint a -- talk about the future and talk about how optimistic the future can be, particularly as nations are able to work out past differences and focus on what's -- and focus on the future. No question that there's tension. On the other hand, if you look at capital flows between Japan and China, there is a significant amount of investment taking place, which indicates to me that there is a possibility for the relations to improve over time. In other words, not all aspects of the relationship is negative.




